Monday, November 2, 2015

Golden Oil (Better than UDO'S OIL) Udo's Oil Copy-Cat


This is a great tasting, highly nutritional oil formula that my mom created to use in the place of a commercial product called UDO'S OIL.These are healthy fats, so enjoy adding them to your diet!

Use this delicious oil for salad dressings, or try drizzling over Italian sauce-drenched zucchini noodles, etc...

Make sure all your oils are fresh. Taste all your oils first. If any of them taste bitter or rancid throw them out, they have oxidated.


1 c. melted coconut oil (warm)
1 c. raw sesame oil (or grape seed oil)
1 c. red rice oil (or flax seed oil)
1 c. raw sunflower oil
1 c. avocado oil (or almond oil or hazelnut oil)
3 T. melted red palm oil
1 T. sunflower lecithin or non-GMO soy lecithin, optional
1/4 t. Vitamin E oil, optional


Stir in each oil into the warmed coconut oil. If it thickens too much, set over a hot water bath and stir until liquefied. Store tightly closed in a glass container in the fridge for 1 to 2 weeks. Freeze for long term storage. You can take out a little oil at a time for use, storing in the fridge.


Use as a garnish or glaze on cooked vegetables or grains.
Drizzle over popped popcorn and season to taste with onion salt.
Use in homemade salad dressings, etc.
Use as you would "UDO'S OIL".


Experiment with different blends of your favorite oils.
Red rice oil is high in GAMMA ORYZANOL, and is tolerant of high heat, as in frying.
Red rice bran oil when mixed with coconut oil is also good for frying.


Rice Oil - California Rice Oil (866-742-3645),



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